Wednesday, December 25, 2019

PESTEL and SWOT analysis of Malaysian business - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2528 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Narrative essay Level High school Did you like this example? Introduction I have study the subject of business in context 4. I learned about the globalization. Globalization means the people, companies and governments are interaction and integration in different countries, a process driven by trade and investment and aided by information technology. The increasing of the international trade, financial transfers, and foreign direct investment, so that the economy is increasingly internationally interconnected. Everyday have about $3million in foreign exchange transactions happened in the world. Malaysia total trade in 2012 was valued at RM1.310 trillion, an increase of 8.7% from RM1.271 trillion in 2011. This was contributed by exports of RM702.19 billion and import of RM607.36 billion. Export expanded by 0.6% while import rose 8.6% compared with 2011. China has emerged as the fourth largest trading partner of Malaysia since 2001. Malaysias trade with China has grown tremendously, to account for 8.8% of total trade in 2005. Malaysia and china trade grew average annual rare of 16.8 percent significantly from 1974-2008. It showed that less than $100 million to $40 billion (Li, 2006). Coffee business is a huge economic, social and environmental significance in Malaysia. It represents an important part of Malaysiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s tax income and gross domestic product. The old town white coffee is the largest restaurant chain in Malaysia. The headquarters is in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia it is a franchise company ( Nalina, 2013). Thus, Malaysia old town white coffee are continue to expand its operation to the international market. Now the question is how Malaysia old town white coffee can expand to different global markets such as China. China have over 1.3 billion population which is a huge market if possible to get in. Recently there is a growing coffee demand in China. This is one of the best opportunities to notice. For this reason, this report will focuses on analyzing of Chinese potential marke t for Malaysia old town white coffee. Culture profile Malaysia old town white coffee become the form of the retail chain of cafe outlets which has expanded into the food and beverage business.( old town company, 2011 ) in my opinion, i choose shenzhen, china to be my first target market. The reason why i choose shenzhen is shenzhen is a huge potential and positive market. Geographical China as the third largest country in the world which the regional economic geography include east to west and south to north. Along the South China sea, the East China sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Bo Sea, east China has approximately 14,500 km coastline, with ports and harbors for sea transportation to many developed western economies. There are over 160 cities in China with a population over one million. Such as shenzhen. Shenzhen is located on a southern tip of the Chinese mainland and on the eastern bank of the Pearl River. An it is belong a part of guangdong province and just north of hong kong. Shenzhen has occupying 199164 square kilometers, and have 10.47 million permanent residents in 2011. Demographic In 2014, Chineseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s population is 1,392,472,656.So; almost half of all Chinese live in urban areas today. there are 90 cities in China which define the urban area , with a population of more than 1 million people. (World population review online, 2014) Such as shenzhen, By the end of 2011, the permanent resident population reached 10.47 million. Today, China is considered a middle-income nation by Western standards. And they are 56 different ethnic groups ain China, 91.51% of Chinese are Han Chinese. Most of people who are living shenzhen is Han Chinese. (World population review online, 2014) Culture Tea is an old traditional beverage in china which has been an important part of lifestyle. It has developed a unique culture in the nation. As old traditional drinks, tea was first grown in China and spread to other countries and has alw ays popular in the world. Even though nowadays has increasing many kind of beverage such as coffee, soft drinks and wine, but tea has never decreased its popularity. Particularly in recent years, modern people realize the importance of organic foods and drinks, tea is being considered one of the most natural and healthy drinks which is promoted by more and more people around the world. Hofstedes cultural dimensions According the Hofstedeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cross cultural model to understand the Chinese culture profile. Power distance stated that the power inequality in the society. It will affect hierarchy and dependence relationships in the family and organizational contexts. In individualistic societies, people are look after themselves and their direct family only. High individualism societies allow a large degree of freedom and display loose integration. Low IDV societies show tight integration. Dominant values in masculine countries are achievement and success and in femi nine countries are caring for others and quality of life. Uncertainty avoidance means that people feel threatened by uncertainty and ambiguity and try to avoid these situations. It is necessary to compare the different cultural of Malaysia and china when old town white coffee want into the china marketing. It wills east they to make the marketing strategies. Thus, the compare the different dimensions of Malaysia and china in order to make the distinction between these two cultures which will be following. Culture dimensions Country MALAYSIA CHINA Individualism 26 20 Power distance 100 80 Uncertainty avoidance 30 30 masculinity 50 66 Table 1: Cultural differences between malaysia and China ( HofstedeÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¸s model has a scale from 0 to 100, and is based on quantitative research (Hofstede, 1994). According this table, we can get Malaysia and china dont have very big different culture. Malaysia and china b oth of them are highly collectivist culture. China are more collectivist than Malaysia that is means people have a high sense of identity to the traditional food and drink. Malaysian and Chinese they are accept the Power Inequality. The relationship between the subordinate and superior is polarized. The formal authority and sanctions will affect the individual. People do not have the desire to exceed their social rank. Therefore, many people in China consider the relationship between the prices of consumer places and the personal appearance seriously. Malaysia and China has a low score on uncertainty avoidance. Both of countries are comfortable with ambiguity and they are adaptable and entrepreneurial. China and malaysia both are masculine society which are success oriented and driven. Because of the influence of traditional ideological in the ancient chinese, so the china are more masculine. Entry of model I chose the best mode of entry that is franchising. Franchising is the perfect way to start a business. Firstly, It through payment of franchise fees to operating the business with years of support and prove success of a well-known brand. That the franchiser enjoys are reduced operating, distribution and advertising costs. Besides that, the procedures of franchising are uniformity. And which showed a consistency, increase productivity levels and good quality. The franchisee is often invested much time and money in the business, so that it will bring better organizational and monetary results, which is shown more customers satisfaction and increase sales. Moreover, Franchising is through other people investment by multiplying the number of locations to spreading the risks. That means it focus on changing market needs so that it also reduce the competitor. Finally, Old town has keep a leader in the industry and have suitable tools for success as equipment. And it keep with franchisees to develop a successful plan which is customer base and increase p rofits. Old town franchisees partner can get a well- known brand which people know before and trust, receive good training and support. Businessman who has developed a successful business often chose the mode of franchise to expand their operations. It is no doubt that franchising is one of the popular business expansion systems in the world. I have been check how the franchises are effectively using the business and how successful other franchises. Because of the Franchises offer national advertising campaigns that are included in your franchise fee, so that i benefit to reduce the advertising fees and i also benefit from any advertising by the owner. And the most important thing is i get the support tanning from the franchise. Franchise Head Quarters will train me in everything from the technology involved, to the accounting, to standing behind the counter and taking money. So that it makes the business may be easier (Daszkowski, 2014) Unlike the foreign direct investment mo de need high cost route, and more exposure to economic and political risks problems of managing the subsidiary at a distance ¼Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬  Tim, 2014). Unlike joint venture have the risk of losing control over its technology to its venture partner. Its a lot harder to innovate with franchising than if you own your own outlets. With franchising, if you come up with a new idea, you have to negotiate with your franchisees to get them to accept the new product or whatever innovation you want to introduce, instead of just putting the new idea in place on your own. Franchising also has some drawbacks. It is difficult to innovate with franchising. For example, if i have some idea for my outlets, i have to negotiate with my franchisees to get them to accept the new idea or service. It will reduce the passion for to do the innovation on product and service (Shane, 2013). Sometimes, name recognition also will become a barrier for the business. Especially if other franchises has rec eiving bad press or suffering from poor public perception. That will causes my business get trouble. PESTEL analysis I use the PESTEL mode to analysis the business environment in shenzhen to understand the business expansion. Politicalthe corporate tax of foreign companies are decrease. EconomicGDP, fiscal revenue, foreign trade are increase. Socialdiverse mix culture TechnologyHigh-Tech park in Shenzhen EnvironmentalIncrease coffee consumption LegalFee trade zone bring many benefit. Political Shenzhen government encourages foreign investment which they want more foreign companies to enter the Shenzhen market, and encourage more foreign funds to invest in various fields. The corporate income tax for the foreign invested company is decreased from the original 30% down to the present 15%. At the same time, the local income tax levied at the rate of 3% is exempted. Shenzhen have regulated new tax law which is The foreign invested company have 2 years of co rporate income tax exemption and half reduction for the ensuing 3 years. (Shenzhen government online, 2012). Therefore, this policy will help us to reduce our cost which can increase the benefits. Economic The economic of shenzhen is maintained a healthy momentum of development in 2012. GDP grew by 10 percent to 1.295 trillion yuan. The consumption of retail sales increasing from 16.5 percent to 400.88 billion yuan totally. The volume of foreign trade increased 12.8 percent to 466.8$ billion. The volume of export has maintained stayed at the top of china. In 2012, shenzhen government has reported the fiacal revenue is 148.6 billion yuan, up to 10.6 percent from 2011( shenzhen government online , 2012). shenzhen is ranking fourth on the Chinese mainland which have strong economic power. And shenzhen is one of the cities that has produced the biggest economic efficiency. The economy is great strong in Shenzhen. Shenzhen peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s incomes also are very high. They have strong purchasing power and consuming ability. It makes my business become easy. Social Shenzhen is modern city which filled of people from all over the world. Shenzhen culture is not home grown and traditional. It is a diverse mix and a refreshing change compared to many cities worldwide. Such as coffee is popular in shenzhen. Coffee culture in shenzhen is more a symbol of lifestyle. It represents the consumption of the young, hip, emerging middle class. Most coffee drinkers are all open-minded and thinking , they think coffee is a Western culture , and through the coffee to justify their acceptance of Western culture. In other words, tea is for the traditional and coffee is for the connoisseur. Technology Half October 2008, the expansion of the current High-Tech park in Shenzhen officially started. The 3 billion yuan (US$439 million) software base, which covers 150,000 square meters and will be funded by the Shenzhen government, will be put into operation in 2010. Shenzhen built a software park in the high-tech park 10 year ago. It is home to more than 400 companies with 40,000 employees. The output of the cityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s software industry reached 86 billion yuan in 2007, accounting for 15 percent of the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s total. Software exports reached US$4.5 billion last year. (Shenzhen government online, 2012). Environmental According to International Coffee Organization, it is estimated that Chinas coffee consumption will grow by about 15 percent per year, far above the global average of 2 percent. However, most of this growth is based on Chinas unique coffee culture, representing a fashionable symbol rather than habitual usage. Nowadays, There are many white-collar workers in Shenzhen, Coffee has already been the young people and white- collar workersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ the essential thing in their life. So, we will be able to be successful in the background of Shenzhen. Legal shenzhen have established a free trade free zone which the economice areas of shenzhen futian ,shatoujiao and yantian port bonded areas with Perfect infrastructure and become a mature investment environment (Shenzhen Government Online, 2012). Goods transported from outside the boundary into the free trade zone or transported from the fee trade zone outside the boundary are free of customs duties and licenses, and it will carries out the archiving system management by the customs and to be as special policies apply. In the free zone, they are allow the business to manufacturing, processing, warehousing, and exhibition. Because of that, we can thought the free trade zone to import raw materials, it can reduce cost and get more benefits. SWOT analysis I use the swot model to analysis the old town white coffee situation. strengthweakness High profit Offers other productInnovation is slowly Difficult to diversify their product. Opportunitythreat Expand to global market Re-brandsPrice increase Many competitor Strength The old town white coffee get high profit in Malaysia. And it no only sell coffee but also they are offer others food. It have a lots branches in Malaysia. Weakness The old town white coffee always depends on the coffee so that it cause them difficult to diversity their product and innovation product is slowly. Opportunity The old town white coffees are ready to expand market to global market and they are able to re-brands to attract new consumer. Threats There are many competitors which are Starbucks, the coffee bean and so on. Because of the materials cost are increase so that the product price also will cause lost some consumer. Solution The old town white coffee should be does the product innovation to remain the old consumer and attract new consumer. And they need to focus on new regions going forward to address market saturation concerns. Conclusion To sum up, the old town white coffee company is l arge chain restaurant in malaysia. I chose the od town white coffee with the best entry mode of franchising to expand to shenzhen (China). I apply the cross-culture models of Hofstede to describe shenzhen(CHINA)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cultural profile. And i analysis what is the factor will influence my business when i start my business in shenzhen. Which include political, economic, social, technology, environmental and legal. According to my findings, i have explained why the business expand to shenzhen is suitable. Shenzhen is very positive and potential market. With the developed of economic, people have strong purchasing power and consuming ability. I have confidence to face the challenger and solve the problem to get success. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "PESTEL and SWOT analysis of Malaysian business" essay for you Create order

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Eliezer Internal Conflicts caused by the Guilt of...

In Elie Wiesel’s Day, the protagonist Eliezer has a past that continually influences his daily life. As a survivor of the Holocaust, he is constantly reminded of his friends and family who perished in the camps. Eliezer lived in a concentration camp for five years, where he witnessed death and the inhumane acts of murder. Since he has already experienced death, he is not afraid of it or the afterlife. These haunting memories inflict pain upon Eliezer and cause him to feel that life is not worth living. He mentions continually throughout the novel that he wishes he were dead. These feelings are caused by the guilt that he carries for surviving when compared to the fate of others. Throughout his time in the hospital, Eliezer struggles with†¦show more content†¦Doctor Russel asks Eliezer, â€Å"Why do you not care about living?† (60). Eliezer’s first reaction is to panic, proving to the audience that Doctor Russel’s impression is right: â€Å"for a moment everything shook. Even the light flickered and changed color. It was white, red, and black. The blood was beating in my temples. My head was no longer my own† (60). The author provides this passage with Eliezer’s internal thoughts to demonstrate the initial fear that the protagonist feels when he recognizes that Dr. Russel is has started to understand his situation. Also, Wiesel uses this passage to convey the work’s most prevalent themes: death and survivors desire to be released from the guilt they suffer from surviving terrible events. Wiesel uses the repetition of Eliezer stating to himself, â€Å"He knows. He knows. He knows† (60) to illustrate Eliezer’s worry that the doctor has actually figured out that he no longer wants to live. Eliezer than calms and realizes â€Å"his guessing is nothing. An impression. That’s all. Nothing definite. Nothing worked out.† (60).This statement was made by Eliezer to reassure himself that the doctor is not entirely certain about why Eliezer does not to want to live. Eliezer wants to continue to live in the past which creates a pain for him which he is comfortable with. When the doctor figures out that he no longer wants to live, this causes Eliezer to panic because he wants his

Monday, December 9, 2019

Cultural Influences At Qantas Organizations -

Question: Discuss about the Cultural Influences at Qantas Organizations. Answer: Introduction: Today in the contemporary global economy one of the most remarkable and visible type of change is the organizational change which can have its impact on the employees, customers as well as the organizational performance. Generally organizational change is a complex process which can have a positive as well as negative effect on employee and performance as a whole. In the given situation, the CEO Alan Joyce of Qantas airlines is facing possible resistance to change within the organization. The author being a member of an external management consultancy team engaged by Alan Joyce has asked to prepare a report on evaluation of Qantas performance since appointment of Mr. Joyce and consider the outcome of the organizational culture on its performance. Then identifying the aspects of Qantas organisational culture that needs change and recommending on the possible measures that can be promoted to foster an adaptive culture at Qantas. Evaluation of Qantas performance since appointment of Alan Joyce: In the cut through competition of the airlines business, CEO Alan Joyce promoted restructuring and improvement in the operations of the Qantas airlines both domestically and internationally. The main objective of this step was to sustain and grow in the competitive airline market. This decision was followed by employee lay-offs, early retirements of aircrafts and exclusion of unprofitable airline routes and only focusing on growth of the organization. As a result, Joyce had to experience a lot of resistance to change within the organization, where his decisions made many employee unions, customers and shareholders angry for not engaging employees during the decision making process and other strategic blunders during that time. Alan Joyce also headed the Jetstar airlines in the Asia-Pacific region which also faced loss in the growing low cost airlines market. He planned aggressive expansion plans in the domestic as well as international market in the Asia-Pacific region which failed t o bring productive results as a result the organization faced more losses and criticism for Alan Joyce. Qantas also lost many experienced and talented employees, who left the organization during that time. According to Porter, employee leaves their managers not their organization and Alan Joyce decision for restricting and improvement in the operations of Qantas increased the employee turnover (Mowday, et al. 2013). Aspects of Qantas organisational culture need changing: According to author, one of the main reasons for bad performance and high employee turnover in Qantas is because of the sudden organizational change. Employee satisfaction and organizational culture has a very complex and crucial relation which is undeniable (Pinder, 2014). In the present scenario one of the major reasons for decrease in employee satisfaction, chaos among employee, shareholders and customers, decrease in service quality and employee turnover is the sudden change in the organizational culture. Organizational culture can be explained as the system of shared values and beliefs which exists among employees which determines how the organization and the employees are going to interact and react to certain situations (Alvesson, 2012). An organizational culture develops a unique brand for any organization that assists the organization to have a competitive advantage. It also identifies principles and actions which enables the employees to understand their job responsibilitie s and duties (Colquitt, et al. 2011). Organizational culture promotes unity and uniformity among employees which let them to learn and grow within the organization (Robbins, and Judge, 2012). So, it is important to understand the culture of the organization before taking business decisions which can affect organization culture. According to the authors observations, Qantas before joining of Joyce as CEO followed a normative workplace culture where employees used to do regular jobs which were pre-stretched and had zero risk in job security. The author has also observed that the sudden anger in the employees for not making them a part of the decision making process also indicates that the former management of Qantas had a well structured employee employer communication process which made employees feel valued and part of the organization. There have been a three staged process to manage organizations cultural change. Firstly unfreezing present activities and behaviour, next promoting and initiating new behaviour and lastly supporting and maintain the new behaviour (Cummings and Worley, 2014). In the present scenario one of the most important challenges for Alan Joyce is to understand and combine peoples interest for the long term benefit of the organization. Recommendations for promoting adaptive culture at Qantas: After studying and analysing the given scenario, according to the author, Qantas needs a culture within the organization which will not only bring the employees in a common platform and team work but also will promote long term strategic growth within the organization. According to the author the following steps are important to promote an adaptive culture at Qantas: Awareness: Most of the experienced and talented employees of the Qantas left the organization because they were afraid of the sudden changes that took within the organization. It is the human nature to fear unknown and uncertainty. It should be the prior responsibility of the management to make aware the current changes that the organization is experiencing and clear individual role in this transition period so that the employees are aware about their organizations situation and not left in ambiguity (Alvesson, and Sveningsson, 2015). The major objective is to promote the importance of team work and increase organizational productivity. Learning: Any change is difficult to adopt initially but with proper training and learning it can be mastered. So, the management should arrange training programs for any change in the system or processes so that the employees do not feel uncomfortable with the new changes. This will promote team work and employee loyalty within the organization. In this typical scenario, the management should adopt the evidence-based approach to successfully handle the ambiguity and change that Qantas is experiencing. The management should be flexible and open to new ideas and situations according to situational demands (Locke, 2011). Practice: The management should initiate and promote practicing its newly adopted changes. Any change takes time to get adopted so the more practice the more comfortable the employees will be with the changes. This will assists in promoting new cultural changes within the organization without much chaos. Accountability: After initiating the changes, the management should evaluate the performance after six months to calculate the difference between the desired result and the actual performance. This will help the organization to understand where it stands and the new changes that should be implemented within the organization. Also, Alan Joyce as the CEO of the organization should change his leadership style from autocratic leader to be more transformational and participative leadership style so that the employee feels that their decisions are well communicated with the management (Schein, 2010). This will promote the team work among employees as it will reduce the workload on individual and encourage working on a common goal (West, 2012). Conclusion: In the above scenario, Alan Joyce is the newly promoted CEO of Qantas group, who took steps to strengthen the operational effectiveness of the organization which resulted in chaos and anger within the stakeholders and customers. As a result the organization experienced poor performance among employees and decreasing customer service and also increases in employee turnover. The author being a member of an external management consultancy team prepared a report on evaluation of Qantas performance since appointment of Mr. Joyce and identifying the aspects of Qantas organisational culture that needs change and recommending on the possible measures that can be promoted to foster an adaptive culture at Qantas. In the report the author has emphasized on team work and employee engagement in decision making and has recommended steps which can be adopted to promote adaptive culture at Qantas. Reference: Mowday, R.T., Porter, L.W. and Steers, R.M., 2013.Employeeorganization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic press. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Alvesson, M., 2012.Understanding organizational culture. Sage. Locke, E. ed., 2011.Handbook of principles of organizational behavior: Indispensable knowledge for evidence-based management. John Wiley Sons. West, M.A., 2012.Effective teamwork: Practical lessons from organizational research. John Wiley Sons. Alvesson, M. and Sveningsson, S., 2015.Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge. Schein, E.H., 2010.Organizational culture and leadership(Vol. 2). John Wiley Sons. Colquitt, J., Lepine, J.A. and Wesson, M.J., 2011.Organizational behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Robbins, S.P. and Judge, T., 2012.Essentials of organizational behavior. Boston: Pearson. Pinder, C.C., 2014.Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Korean War Essays (1744 words) - Military History By Country, Asia

Korean War It is the intent of this paper to prove that the American Dream can best be explained as a ciity upon a hill. Ciity upon a hill meaning being above and superior over those below. The Civil War, the imperialistic race of the 19th century, the Korean War, the KKK, and the Gulf War are all examples of the American Dream of superiority playing a part in American History. Each American has a different idea of this superiority, but nonetheless strive to achieve it, whatever it may be in. The Civil War which split the United States, was a clash of two aspects of approaching the American Dream in a young America. Both sides felt their idea's and philosophies were superior to those of the opposing side and therefore would benefit the country more and make it superior. Both North and South wanted to better the country to have it achieve the American Dream. Unfortunately, each side had a different perspective on how to approach it. Slavery was a major issue, the North against, the South pro. The disagreement on slavery lead to difficulty in the issue of Westward expansion. Both agreed to it, but whether to admit them as free or slave states was where the split occurred. The compromise of 1850 stated that California enters free, and New Mexico and Utah decided on their own which is giving them more state rights in which the South heavily supported. This compromise did not satisfy each side fully. The issue of State rights intensified by the issue of slavery because the Southern states felt they had the right to decide on their own about Slavery without Federal intervention. It seems the Southern states felt that the American dream was out of their reach because they felt powerless and inferior with the Central government. When the American revolution was fought to break from Britain, the Southern States thought they would be treated as sovereign and free. With the State's limited power, they felt as if the Federal government would become a monarchy. The Northern States wanted the American dream achieved for the whole country to be industrial, anti-slavery, and very federalist. Upon these institutions they planned to make the U.S a superior nation in the world. The South wanted to achieve the same ultimate goal for the U.S but with agricultural, pro- slavery, and states sovereignty institutions. These are the differences between both sides in achieving the American Dream. In order to resolve the conflict of interests, North and South had to go to war to prove superiority thus proving which side is the ciity upon the hill in which the losing side would follow. During the time of Imperialism in the 19th century, the U.S wanted to expand worldwide and strive for the lead in the imperialistic race. In 1871, the U.S and Canada signed the Washington treaty meaning that the U.S recognized Canada as an independent dominion. Any schemes to forcefully annex Canada and to unite the North American continent under the U.S flag had been rejected. The U.S could not expand any further in North America and had to look at other parts of the world for expansion. At the time, there were many other nations looking to expand its empire such as Britain and Germany. Some Southern expansionists saw Cuba as an interest because it could have possibly been used as a slave territory. Because Northerners were highly against slavery, the plan was dropped. After the Civil War, Secretary of State Seward had negotiated a treaty to purchase the virgin Islands from Denmark, but the senate rejected this treaty. They were not purchased until 1917. In 1859, the U.S annexed the Midway Islands in the South Pacific, and half the Samoan Islands; the other half belonging to Germany. Hawaii, another Pacific island, had always been important to the U.S. It served as an important base for trade with Japan and China. When the U.S annexed Hawaii in 1893 after a coup, to justify it, the U.S claimed it was an important strategic military foothold. They also claimed that the inferior Hawaiian natives were incapable of self government, and that it was in their best interests. After the annexation of Hawaii, and later the Philippines in 1899, it seemed clear the U.S was relentless in becoming the most powerful imperialistic nation. It is this idea of expansion thus gaining power and superiority over other nations that proves the American Dream/Ciity upon a hill being about superiority. The invasion of South Korea by North Korea was the opportunity the U.S needed to